Backuptrans Android WhatsApp Transfer is a handy tool for those who use WhatsApp chat on their Android phones, especially those who use the service for more than small talk with their friends. Sharing pictures, video, audio files, and even important information about events or business has become increasingly common, and this program makes it possible for you to transfer all of those things from your phone to your computer or to another phone. Should you ever need to put the backed up messages and files back on your phone, Backuptrans Android WhatsApp Transfer enables you to do that as well.
This software is compatible with Motorola, LG, Huawei, and other popular brands, so you can be confident that it will work with your mobile device. In terms of the types of files that you can create with the data that you are transferring, TXT, CSV, DOC, HTML, and PDF are all among them. These new formats for your chats and files make it possible for you to print them out as well, which is especially useful for visual images. Backuptrans Android WhatsApp Transfer is the only tool that you will ever need to ensure that you never lose the chats and files that you share through the WhatsApp application.