Pirate Browser

Pirate Browser

Verzia 0.6b
29.70 MB
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Browse anonymously online and gain access to blocked sites without being tracked.

Unlike other renowned browsers, Pirate Browser has a lot to offer in terms of functionality. Essentially, it gives you access to torrents through Pirate Bay. Additionally, you can check out the torrent download portal at any time without compromising your privacy. This means you can surf the web securely from any place around the globe.
If you are wondering what is so special about the browser, you have to keep in mind that it has been designed using the best aspects of each of the renowned browsers you use every day. Pirate Browser is a combination of the Torrent client Vidalia, the Firefox 23 portable browser with the FoxyProxy extension and a few other shortcuts that will make your life easier.
After the installation is complete, a portable version of the Firefox browser can be found and it can be used at any given time. It can then be saved on a Flash drive or it can be uploaded for later use through your Dropbox account. The browser effectively integrates the Vidalia Torrent client to secure your connections so you can surf the web safely.
Not only can you access blocked sites but you will gain access to online services which are only offered in specific countries. Pirate Browser ensures you are not being tracked which is perfect for individuals who are concerned about compromising their anonymity. The browser is simple to use and will make your life easier.

Pirate Browser
Pirate Browser
Verzia 0.6b
29.70 MB
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