Small Business Inventory Control Pro

Small Business Inventory Control Pro

RyTech Software
Verzia 8.20
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3.82 MB
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Softvér používajú malé podniky na kontrolu svojho inventára

Now inventories can be controlled in more effective and Efficient way by the small businesses with the help of the small business inventory control software. From the order of the raw material to sales of finished goods, everything can be handled with the help of it. Raw material purchase cost, its quantity, number of units converted into finished goods, no of units in work- in- process and number of units sold can be tracked with the help of it. Costs and profits can also be estimated with the help of it. Small Business Inventory control software assigns serial numbers and uses first-in first-out (FIFO)and last-in first-out to control the inventories. This software can be used to determine the quantity and time to place the purchase orders, to issue the invoices and for maintaining the packing and pick lists. The concept “sandbox” in software provides with semi-inductive user interface used to group related commands. Using barcode scanning becomes possible and easier with the help of it and on the other hand it can also support the visual locating method in conditions where barcode scanning is not used. Examples are the purchasing sand box,inventory sandbox and sales sand box. Assigning pricing levels to different products has also become possible with the help of this software. Report designer is used to prepare reports of supplies, sold and purchased inventory. Importing data from xls, m.db and xls can help a lot in getting started quickly.

Astro hovorí:

  • Používanie je jednoduché
  • Spravuje financie od výroby až po predaj
  • Nie je možné prispôsobiť hlásenia
Small Business Inventory Control Pro
Small Business Inventory Control Pro
RyTech Software
Verzia 8.20
Bezplatná skúšobná verzia
3.82 MB
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