Don't Starve

Don't Starve

Klei Entertainment
Verzia 1.0.2
Plná verzia
252.00 MB
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Overené zabezpečenie
The ultimate survival game.

If survival games are your forte, then then you have to play Don’t Starve. This extreme survival game places you in a desolate forest and you have to survive. What equipment or items do you have? Nothing. You will have to defend yourself, find food, investigate, build shelter and make it through the night. In other words, do whatever you have to in order to see another sunrise.
The game will teach, show and help you with absolutely nothing. Whatever you learn or have to do, you have to learn it yourself. Sound easy, just remember that even small screw-ups can lead to death. Don’t Starve will push you to the limits. Just because you made it through the night does not mean the challenges are behind you. Every element of this game has been designed to give you a realistic survival experience. You will have to take care of the three basic aspects of life; mental health, physical health and hunger. Hunger is the most immediate challenge since you will need constant nourishment to ensure you don’t starve.
Not only does the day’s change from daylight to dark, but the seasons also change, bringing their own unique challenges. The forest will provide you with everything you need to survive for the first few days. However, will soon start needing more and will have to create a machine that will help you create new items. You will have to collect items and your character can carry an impressive load. These items will then be used to make other useful items. The graphics are rough, but that is intentional, and the music fits the game perfectly. Don’t Starve is probably the best survival game of the year and is updated regularly, make sure you don’t miss out.

Don't Starve
Don't Starve
Klei Entertainment
Verzia 1.0.2
Plná verzia
252.00 MB
Overené zabezpečenie
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