Quick Flash Player

Quick Flash Player

123Renamer Inc
Verzia 1.3
Bezplatná skúšobná verzia
2.00 MB
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Prehráva súbory Flash z počítača

If you are a regular internet user, you have most likely come across a flash file, recognisable by the SWF extension. This innovative and space efficient format has let animators, both amateur and professional, express themselves and convey ideas easily, interactively and without killing your bandwidth. The easy to learn flash code language, ActionScript, has opened doors for game and website designers to create, educate and entertain. Many people will convert videos to the flash format so they can be loaded quickly and played across a range of browsers. Although many browsers can play these flash files with the right extensions, viewing them offline can be a challenge.
This is where the Quick Flash Player comes in. This lightweight, standalone program will let you view your flash files, with a variety of playback settings to choose from such as a full screen mode. Quick Flash Player can do more than just play your flash files though, it also has a great added feature that opens up the flash format even further! Convert your flash files into the Windows Executable Format (EXE), and anyone will be able to play your videos, games or interactive programs without any flash support on their systems at all.

Astro hovorí:

  • Priame rozhranie
  • Umožňuje používateľom prehrávať súbory z disku
  • Umožňuje použiť režim zobrazenia na celú obrazovku a priblíženie
  • Chýba ikona „Otvoriť súbor“
Quick Flash Player
Quick Flash Player
123Renamer Inc
Verzia 1.3
Bezplatná skúšobná verzia
2.00 MB
Overené zabezpečenie
Porovnanie alternatívnych programov:
Alternatívy pre Quick Flash Player - Tabuľka porovnania softvéru:
Meno aplikácie
Veľkosť súboru
Softvér potrebný na mnohé interaktívne a video funkcie
70.7K Stiahnutia
1.20 MB
Poskytuje viac možností než bežný Flash Player
18.1K Stiahnutia
63.90 MB
Program na prehrávanie videa
3K Stiahnutia
1.00 MB
Vytvára zoznamy prehrávania („playlisty“) a umožňuje sledovať filmy Flash
2.2K Stiahnutia
0.43 MB
Prehráva hry a filmy Flash offline
3.7K Stiahnutia
7.00 MB
Pohodlne prehrávajte videá a komprimujte súbory pre úsporu pamäte
2.6K Stiahnutia
4.58 MB

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