WiFi Hopper

WiFi Hopper

Divya Thakur
Verzia 1.2 2008-110600
Bezplatná skúšobná verzia
4.80 MB
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Správca pripojenia a polohy siete Wi-Fi

With the advent of Wi-Fi, most people have change the way they connect to the internet, at home, work and in public places. WiFi Hopper is a three in one wireless connection manager that gives you all the information you need and the control you want.
In Network Scanning Mode Wifi Hopper will find all the available networks around you, as well as those with hidden SSIDs. Network hoping mode, where the program gets its name, lets you automatically jump between unsecured networks depending on signal strength and speed. The Connection Manager Mode will scan for wireless connections and rate all that it finds against the profiles it has already saved.
WiFi Hopper comes with a host of other great features as well. View colour graphs of networks that show both encryption or signal strength. Connect to GPS devices than can output NMEA 0183 sentences, and then use it to find and record the locations with the strongest or weakest signals. Get tonnes of information from the networks you find, including the network mode, encryption type, beacon interval, approximate coordinates of the network and the signal strength (high, low and average).
WiFi Hopper will also give you all the information of your local wireless device such as the hardware device ID, supported network types, link speed, MAC address, Media state, DHCP information and much more.

Astro hovorí:

  • Zahŕňa funkcie prieskumu na stránke
  • Rýchle a jednoduché objavenie siete
  • Prehnane ambiciózne funkcie sú mätúce
WiFi Hopper
WiFi Hopper
Divya Thakur
Verzia 1.2 2008-110600
Bezplatná skúšobná verzia
4.80 MB
Overené zabezpečenie
Porovnanie alternatívnych programov:
Alternatívy pre WiFi Hopper - Tabuľka porovnania softvéru:
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Obsiahla tvorba hotspotov a nástroj na správu siete
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5.65 MB

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